Angularjs Chrome autocomplete dilemma

From the link added in the comment:Github Issue's

// Due to browsers issue, it's impossible to detect without a timeout any changes of autofilled inputs
// Could break future Angular releases (if use `compile()` instead of `link())
// TODO support select
angular.module("app").config(["$provide", function($provide) {
    var inputDecoration = ["$delegate", "inputsWatcher", function($delegate, inputsWatcher) {
        var directive = $delegate[0];
        var link =;

        function linkDecoration(scope, element, attrs, ngModel){
            var handler;
            // By default model.$viewValue is equals to undefined
            if(attrs.type == "checkbox"){
                inputsWatcher.registerInput(handler = function(){
                    var value = element[0].checked;
                    // By default element is not checked
                    if (value && ngModel.$viewValue !== value) {
            }else if(attrs.type == "radio"){
                inputsWatcher.registerInput(handler = function(){
                    var value = attrs.value;
                    // By default element is not checked
                    if (element[0].checked && ngModel.$viewValue !== value) {
                inputsWatcher.registerInput(handler = function(){
                    var value = element.val();
                    // By default value is an empty string
                    if ((ngModel.$viewValue !== undefined || value !== "") && ngModel.$viewValue !== value) {

            scope.$on("$destroy", function(){

            // Exec original `link()`
            link.apply(this, [], 0));

        // Decorate `link()` don't work for `inputDirective` (why?)
        /* = linkDecoration;
        // So use `compile()` instead
        directive.compile = function compile(element, attrs, transclude){
            return linkDecoration;

        return $delegate;

    $provide.decorator("inputDirective", inputDecoration);
    $provide.decorator("textareaDirective", inputDecoration);
    //TODO decorate selectDirective (see binding "change" for `Single()` and `Multiple()`)
}]).factory("inputsWatcher", ["$interval", "$rootScope", function($interval, $rootScope){
    var INTERVAL_MS = 500;
    var promise;
    var handlers = [];

    function execHandlers(){
        for(var i = 0, l = handlers.length; i < l; i++){

    return {
        registerInput: function registerInput(handler){
            if(handlers.push(handler) == 1){
                promise = $interval(execHandlers, INTERVAL_MS);
        unregisterInput: function unregisterInput(handler){
            handlers.splice(handlers.indexOf(handler), 1);
            if(handlers.length == 0){

From: docs Turning_off_form_autocompletion

If an author would like to prevent the auto-filling of password fields in user management pages where a user can specify a new password for someone other than themselves, autocomplete="new-password" should be specified, though support for this has not been implemented in all browsers yet.

So, what makes it work for me:

  • set autocomplete="new-password" on the password field
  • set autocomplete="off" in the username field.

I hope that it works for you too :)