Angular2 Using Pipes in Component.js

This actually works in an @Injectable display utility service with even less fuss than the previous answer involving modules. I imported my data model (below) and the pipe, then simply added the function. So, if you can't use the pipe directly in markup, use this trick!

export interface MoneyDTO extends SerializableDTO, JsonModelObjectDTO {
  value?: string;
  currency?: string;

import { CurrencyPipe } from '@angular/common';

formatMoney(money: MoneyDTO): string {
  const cp: CurrencyPipe = new CurrencyPipe('en-US');

  return money && money.value ? cp.transform(money.value, money.currency || 'USD', 'symbol') : null;

First thing: you need to declare your pipe - add it to the NgModule declarations section:

declarations: [CurrencyPipe]

Second thing: pipes are not injectables, so you can't take its instance by using Angular dependency injection system. You need to create new instance of this pipe manually, like:

var formatted = (new CurrencyPipe()).transform(this.myNumber, 'MXN', true);