Angular2 timeout in http post request

You can use the timeout operator like this:'myUrl', 
        MyData, {headers: Myheaders})
         .timeout(3000, new Error('timeout exceeded'))
         .map(res => res.json())
           data => this.ret = data,
           error => console.debug('ERROR', error),
           () => console.log('END')

You might need to import timeout like so

import 'rxjs/add/operator/timeout'

I couldn't get it to work without that on rxjs 5.0.1 and angular 2.3.1

Edit 20 April 2018

please refrain from importing operators that way, in rxjs +5.5 you can import operators like this one with

import { timeout } from 'rxjs/operators/timeout';
// Use it like so

Please checkout this document which explains pipeable operators in great depth.

I modified the answer of Thierry to get it working with the latest release. It is necessary to remove the second parameter of the timeout function. According to a discussion regarding an angular-cli issue, the timeout function always throws a TimeoutError now.'myUrl', 
    MyData, {headers: Myheaders})
     .map(res => res.json())
       data => this.ret = data,
       error => console.debug('ERROR', error),
       () => console.log('END')



