Angular2 RouterLink breaks routes by replacing slash with %2F

If the path was something like

pathServedByTheController = 'foo/bar'

then in the view I can do something like

<my-button (click)="onEmitCta()" [routerLink]="['/'].concat(pathServedByTheController.split('/')).concat('')" class="banner-cta inverse shadow">NAVIGATE</my-button>

This works nicely to me!

You need to replace comma(,) with (+) like this

Wrong => <a [routerLink]="['/Page', page.url]" class="list-group-item">{{ page.title }}</a>
Right => <a [routerLink]="['/Page' + page.url]" class="list-group-item">{{ page.title }}</a>

So I found the solution thanks to the Angular2 Issues page on Github (thanks Günter!).

My route was configured like this:

    path: "/:page",
    component: Page,
    name: "Page"

but instead should have been

    path: "/*page",
    component: Page,
    name: "Page"

Difference is the * wildcard in front of page.

I created this issue

Instead of trying to use strings with slashes in routerLink, we simply let the router handle it in the component.

<a (click)="goToPage(url)">Link</a>
url = 'group/8';

goToPage(url) {