angular2 - Pass value from parent route to child route

You may use a common service to pass data like explained in the Angular Documentation

Basically you may create a Service which will have a user object, which can be updated once your parent route gets loaded or with some action on parent component.


   import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
   import { Subject }    from 'rxjs/Subject';

   export class UserService {
     // Observable user 
     user = new Subject<string>();

And then when the child route component gets loaded you may retrieve the value from the Service.


 export class HomeComponent{
   constructor(private userService:UserService ){}
   someMethod = () =>{<pass user object>);


 export class HomeComponent{
   constructor(private userService:UserService ){

   userChanged = (user) => {
     // Do stuff with user

Service object will be same instance in child if you add the provider in the parent.

Check out :-!#link-parameters-array

You can pass data while changing routes on click as :-

<a [routerLink]="['/crisis-center', { foo: myVar }]">Crisis Center</a>