angular2 ngModel/ngValue select option object - equality across different instances

Per @Klinki

Currently there is no simple solution in angular 2, but in angular 4 this is already addressed since beta 6 using compareWith - see

To illustrate the usage for the proposed case (see plunk):

<div *ngFor='let a of activePerson.hobbyList ; let i=index;'>

        <label for='personHobbies'>Hobby:</label> 
        <select id='personHobbies' class='form-control'
          name='personHobbies' [(ngModel)]='activePerson.hobbyList[i]'
          <option *ngFor='let h of hobbyListSelect;' [ngValue]='h'>{{}}</option>

customCompareHobby(o1: Hobby, o2: Hobby) {
    return ==;

Currently there is no simple solution in angular 2, but in angular 4 this is already addressed since beta 6 - see