Angular2 IE11 Unable to get property 'apply' of undefined or null reference

Angular has dependency on core-js. Thereby you can use Object.assign polyfills from it:

import "core-js/client/shim"; // or load it before other angular2 & zone.js stuff
import "zone.js";
import "reflect-metadata";

It's really annoying that the Angular Materials tutorial doesn't mention this problem. Anyone using IE11 and following their tutorial will hit this issue.

The solution, as others have mentioned, is to simply uncomment those lines in your project's polyfills.ts file.

enter image description here

But really, this should've been mentioned in their tutorial.

I'm spending far too many hours Googling to find solutions to these Angular problems...

According to MDN Object.assign() Browser compatibility IE is not supported.

You can import the Object.assign polyfill by MDN with npm. (mdn-polyfills)

Run: npm i mdn-polyfills --save

Use: import 'mdn-polyfills/Object.assign';

If you are using @angular/cli and intend to support IE9-11 you can edit the src/polyfills.ts file to enable appropriate polyfills. The required polyfills are already in the file so all you need to do is un-comment them.

By default @angular/cli projects target "evergreen" browsers out of the box which means that IE isn't immediately supported, but you can add support by importing polyfills for the features you need.