Angular2 Directive to modify click handling

I don't know of a way to force Angular to execute a certain event handler first. A workaround might be to use a custom event like:

<button (myClick)="onClick(param1, param2)" online-only></button>
  selector: '[myClick]',
export class OnlineOnlyDirective {
  @Output() myClick: EventEmitter = new EventEmitter();
  @HostListener('click', ['$event']) 
  onClick(e) {
    } else {;

So far this is not possible in a way you wanted to do that (just using (click) binding). This is because all events registered via Angular -> by (click) binding, @HostListner, are proxied via single listener. That's why calling stopPropagation or more correctly in this case stopImmediatePropagation doesn't work, as you don't have separate event listeners any more. Please reference this issue for more details: