Angular, onLoad function on an iFrame

try defining the function within controller as:

  /* have access to $scope here*/

For anyone using Angular 2+, It's simply:

<iframe (load)="uploadDone()"></iframe>

No global function, works with multiple iframe.

Commenting on a year old question. For cases where there are more than 1 iframes, I needed to bind "onload" events on to. I did this approach.


APP.directive('iframeOnload', [function(){
return {
    scope: {
        callBack: '&iframeOnload'
    link: function(scope, element, attrs){
        element.on('load', function(){
            return scope.callBack();


APP.controller('MyController', ['$scope', function($scope){

    $scope.iframeLoadedCallBack = function(){
        // do stuff


<div ng-controller="MyController">
    <iframe iframe-onload="iframeLoadedCallBack()" src="..."></iframe>