Angular Material Collapsible Card

if anyone needs an up to date "solution" with angular material 7 You can put mat-expansion-panel inside mat-card-content and add the class mat-elevation-z0:

   <mat-expansion-panel class="mat-elevation-z0"> 

Like Will mentioned, just use the expansion panels.

Otherwise just create a normal Angular Material card and implement your own collapse mechanic with the [hidden] quality or some CSS (display: none). You can exploit *ngIf and button events to create your own collapsible card. Should not require much code.

Something like this:

        <mat-card-title style="font-size: 20px;">My collapsible card title</mat-card-title>

    <mat-card-content *ngIf="!collapsed">
        <p>This is some example text.</p>
        <p>This text will disappear when you use the action button in the actions bar below.</p>
        <button mat-button (click)="collapsed=true">Collapse text</button>
        <button mat-button (click)="collapsed=false">Uncollapse text</button>


For multiple cards, each card would require their own "collapsed" quality, see Stackblitz:

Just like Tal Abziz suggested, the best way to achieve a more fancy angular material collapsible card is to embed a mat-expansion-panel in a mat-card and style the mat-expansion-panel-header a little bit to have absolute position with top and right css properties to be 0px. There you go.

<mat-card style="margin-top:1em; margin-bottom:1em">
        <mat-card-title> Yemi Orokotan </mat-card-title>
        <mat-card-subtitle>Lagos, Nigeria</mat-card-subtitle>
        <mat-expansion-panel class="mat-elevation-z0">
            <mat-expansion-panel-header style="position: absolute; right: 0px; top: 0px;">
                <input matInput placeholder="Occupation">
                <input matInput placeholder="DOB">