Angular: How to parse JSON variables into SCSS

You can do it without changing any node_modules files by using @angular-builders/custom-webpack to setup custom Webpack rules and as you mention node-sass-json-importer to import JSON files inside SCSS files.

You'll have to install node-sass for the implementation option because node-sass-json-importer is compatible with node-sass.

  1. Install packages @angular-builders/custom-webpack, node-sass-json-importer and node-sass:

    npm i -D @angular-builders/custom-webpack node-sass-json-importer node-sass
  2. Create Webpack config file (webpack.config.js) to the project root directory with the following contents:

    const jsonImporter = require('node-sass-json-importer');
    module.exports = {
      module: {
        rules: [{
          test: /\.scss$|\.sass$/,
          use: [
              loader: require.resolve('sass-loader'),
              options: {
                implementation: require('node-sass'),
                sassOptions: {
                  // bootstrap-sass requires a minimum precision of 8
                  precision: 8,
                  importer: jsonImporter(),
                  outputStyle: 'expanded'
  3. Change builder to @angular-builders/custom-webpack:[architect-target] and add customWebpackConfig option to build, serve and test build targets inside angular.json:

    "projects": {
      "[project]": {
        "architect": {
          "build": {
            "builder: "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:browser",
            "options": {
              "customWebpackConfig": {
                "path": "webpack.config.js"
          "serve": {
            "builder: "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:dev-server",
            "customWebpackConfig": {
              "path": "webpack.config.js"
          "test": {
            "builder: "@angular-builders/custom-webpack:karma",
            "customWebpackConfig": {
              "path": "webpack.config.js"

Now you can include any .json file inside any component .scss file:


@import 'hello-world.vars.json';

.hello-bg {
  padding: 20px;
  background-color: $bg-color;
  border: 2px solid $border-color;


  "bg-color": "yellow",
  "border-color": "red"

I have created a Github repository with all these working that you can clone and test from here:

git clone
cd angular-json-scss
npm install
ng serve

Another option is to use raw-loader, it is available by default in angular-cli. This way you can load raw scss file into ts component:

// Adding `!!` to a request will disable all loaders specified in the configuration
import scss from '!!raw-loader!./config.scss';'scss', scss);

You have to declare module in .d.ts file:

declare module '!!raw-loader!./*.scss';

Then you can extract any information you want.

So instead of loading JSON into scss you can load scss into ts.

I have a relatively simple approach for you:

Separate the node-sass step form the ng build step and use the generated .css files instead of the sass files in your angular app.

This has two advantages:

  • no need to heavily tweak and edit any node-modules
  • full control over how the sass is compiled

For the implementation i would go ahead as follows:

  1. add ./node_modules/.bin/node-sass --importer node_modules/node-sass-json-importer/dist/cli.js --recursive ./src --output ./src to the scripts in your package.json e.g. with the name build-sass. You can tweak this command to only include the sass files that you need the recursive mode for (make sure to ignore them in the angular.json, so they don't get compiled twice).
  2. run the command once npm run build-sass in order to generate the .css files in the project.
  3. change references in angular components where needed from the .sass to .css
  4. (optionally) add a convenience command npm run build-sass && ng build as compile in your package.json which you can run whenever you want to build the whole project.

While this approach is relatively simple, it comes with a few drawbacks

  • for any components where you want to use the css, the hot-reload feature of ng serve will require you to run your npm run build-sass to see any changes you made to your styles in real-time
  • your project will look a bit messier, as there are .scss and .css files for the same component in the /src folder of which the .css is generated. You will need to make sure (e.g. by adding a suffix or comment) that noone accidentally edits the generated .css and those changes get overridden.

Other approaches would almost always involve heavily editing existing or writing your own webpack compiler.