Angular 8 with Ivy how to verify it is used

New rendering engine prefers adding expando properties to many objects rather than new wrapping type.

You can open your application in chrome browser and check if any of elements inside your Angular application has __ngContext__ property.

enter image description here

When you set enableIvy to true

"angularCompilerOptions": {
  "enableIvy": true

then ngcc command is executed by running ng serve or ng build. You can recognize it in the console easily because it will start printing out something like this

Compiling @angular/core : es2015 as esm2015

Compiling @angular/common : es2015 as esm2015

Compiling @angular/platform-browser : es2015 as esm2015


The seconds possible way is by checking bundle size as it was mentioned in comments.

Also there is a short paragraph about Ivy and Bazel on Angular blog that we will get more info about Ivy next week.

We know there’s lots of excitement for our forthcoming opt-in previews. We’ll be providing individual updates on these next week on this blog, so stay tuned!

