Angular 8: Passing html as input variable

You can place your html in a string like

htmlStr = "<strong>This is an example</strong>";

and pass it through to a service:


then in the receiving component:

import { WhateverService } from 'src/app/shared/service/whatever.service';

export class ReceivingComponentThing implements OnInit {
 htmlExample = '';

constructor(private whateverService: WhateverService) {}

ngOnInit() {
 // have a getter/setter in service however you like
 this.htmlExample = this.whateverService.getHtmlExample();

in your template:

<div [innerHtml]="htmlExample"><div>

We can use innerHTML to achieve this

Sample example demonstrating this,


export class ParentComponent {
  htmlOneAsString = `
    <div>Welcome Text Header</div>

  htmlTwoAsString = `
    <div>Welcome Text Content</div>

  htmlAsString = `


<child [innerHTML]="htmlAsString"></child>


  selector: 'child'
export class ChildComponent {
  @Input() htmlAsString: string;



I have found the solution, this can be done by:

<div class='wrapper'>
  <div class="exclusive-css-defined-to-this-component">
     <div><ng-content select="[content1]"></ng-content></div>
  <div class="exclusive-css-defined-to-this-component-2">
    <div><ng-content select="[content2]"></ng-content></div>

And we can use the component like:

   <div content>Any thing you want to put in content1</div>
   <div content2>Any thing you want to put in content2</div>