Angular 6 - Keep scroll position when the route changes

Seems like setting 'scrollPositionRestoration' to disabled fixes it

  { scrollPositionRestoration: 'disabled' } // <-- HERE


The scroll position won't change after the route is changed. This is always the default behaviour for Angular.

However, lots of devs are manually doing a window.scroll(0, 0) to overwrite this behaviour.

I would suggest you check if something in your code is doing this. Because it might be a newly installed 3rd party library or another developer's code commit.

Also, according to the following official article:

Angular v6.1 Now Available — TypeScript 2.9, Scroll Positioning, and more

There is a new option to keep the original scroll position by using

RouterModule.forRoot(routes, {scrollPositionRestoration: 'enabled'})

I believe this is not directly related to the question you are asking but just something good to know.