Angular 6 CLI Workspaces. How to create library that exports services

You can add services you want to export from your library by adding some code into public_api.ts.

First locate projects/nameOfLibProject/src/public_api.ts inside your angular app then add

export * from './lib/locationOf/your.service';

This might do the trick for you:

import { NgModule, ModuleWithProviders } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsLibComponent } from './forms-lib.component'; 
import { FormsLibService } from './forms-lib.service';

    declarations: [FormsLibComponent],
    exports: [FormsLibComponent],
export class FormsLibModule {
    static forRoot(): ModuleWithProviders {
        return {
          ngModule: FormsLibModule,
          providers: [FormsLibService]