Angular 5 : How to write a Jasmine unit test for a data binding attribute

As of today, there is a pitfall. I found a couple discussion, where people are complaining about this attributes. Pawel Kozlowski said:

I don't think anyone should be really using ng-reflect-... for anything "serious" as those things are debug-mode only and won't be available in a production build.

As I understand, kendo-grid is a 3rd party component. In this case, you should not test it for real, you just need integration tests to check it was implemented correctly. Therefore, you should not include kendo component into your TestBed config, and set NO_ERRORS_SCHEMA.

These attributes converting to ng-reflect-{attributeName} in browser, so jasmine need to look for that attribute. The test below should work.

 it('kendo-grid element should contain resizable attribute with "true" value', () => {
    const element = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('kendo-grid'));