Angular 4 template "Pipe could not be found"

In my case the problem was that generating through CLI was adding pipe inside app.module.ts but the module of the component I was working in was different. Or in your case it could be not registered pipe/wrongly registered pipe in module you're using it.

So a quick solution is:

Delete the pipe you've created (Don't forget to remove it from app.module.ts). Then create a folder like pipes: Then generate a module for it like 'ng g module pipes/pipes-common'

Then generate you pipe like 'ng g pipe myPipeExample` and now don't forget to add it

declarations:[myPipeExamplePipe] array and

exports:[myPipeExamplePipe] array

Now import this module inside the module where you want to have it working.

This question has multiple very helpful answers

The reason it can't find the pipe is because you registered the pipe as 'qFormat' with a capital F but in the HTML you have 'qformat' with a lowercase f. This is why the error is occurring. Your shared module registration and import/export is completely on point. The HTML should be:

<div>{{someProp | qFormat}}</div>

Hopefully that helps!

mine was as simple as just forgetting to register it to my @NgModule

