Angular 4 setting selected option in Dropdown

If you want to select a value as default, in your form builder give it a value :

this.myForm ={
    mySelect: [this.options[0].key, [/* Validators here */]]

Now in your HTML :

<form [formGroup]="myForm">
    <select [formControlName]="mySelect">
        <option *ngFor="let opt of options" [value]="opt.key">ANY TEXT YOU WANT HERE</option>

What my code does is giving your select a value, that is equal to the first value of your options list. This is how you select an option as default in Angular, selected is useless.

If you want to select a value based on true / false use

[selected]="opt.selected == true"

 <option *ngFor="let opt of question.options" [value]="opt.key" [selected]="opt.selected == true">{{opt.selected+opt.value}}</option>

checkit out

Angular 2 - Setting selected value on dropdown list

Here is my example:

<div class="form-group">
    <label for="contactMethod">Contact method</label>
        <option *ngFor="let method of contactMethods" [value]="">{{ method.label }}</option>

And in component you must get values from select:

contactMethods = [
    { id: 1, label: "Email" },
    { id: 2, label: "Phone" }

So, if you want select to have a default value selected (and proabbly you want that):

contact = {
    firstName: "CFR",
    comment: "No comment",
    subscribe: true,
    contactMethod: 2 // this id you'll send and get from backend