Angular 4 Property does not exist on type Object on build

From my case..

    this.product = this.request.getProduct(_id); // who is _id

Just adding data:any at subscription works fine.

this.request.getProduct(_id).subscribe((data: any) => {

This would helpful while the response data having more key, value pairs. (So Its hard/Time consuming to create Interface.)

But always the best practise is to use Interfaces ;)

First of all I would simply use product: ProductInterface; and you don't even have to initialize it.

Then, probably this will fix your error {{ product?. description }}

For your first example. In your html, you are saying product has the property description (which it does not on type Object)

In your second example. You are initially defining product as an empty object

product: ProductInterface = {};

Which is missing the required fields of the interface. So you can remove the initialization, leaving

product: ProductInterface;

Also as others have noted, you do not need the Object<> syntax