Angular 4 - Could not resolve submodule for routing

I was using the absolute path convention: app/home#HomeModule and it wasn't working.

I then tried the relative path convention: ./home#HomeModule and it worked.

... in the CLI, the paths to lazy routes should be relative from the file you're in


I followed this Tutorial and it used the absolute path convention and it worked.

Would love to know why the inconsistency...


As Friedrich mentioned, to make it work using an Absolute Path, update src/ as follows:

  "compilerOptions": {
    baseUrl: "./"

I had the same issue and none of the answers above worked for me,the final solution i found was using the absolute path of the module and module class name after the '#'.

    export const ROUTES: Routes = [
       {path: '', loadChildren: 'src/app/pathToYourModule/home.module#HomeModule'},
       {path: '**', component: NotFoundComponent}

I started the path from 'src' and dont forget to remove the '.ts' from the module path.