Angular 2 interface for service

You can achieve this via dependency injection.

As you said, create two different services implementing same ISearchService interface.

When using SearchComponent, provide appropriate service class from module to ServiceComponent.

Your SearchComponent would look like

  constructor(private searchService: ISearchService) {}

And when using SearchComponent at different places provide service instance:

providers: [
  { provide: ISearchService, useValue: SearchInMaleEmployeeService}


providers: [
  { provide: ISearchService, useValue: SearchInFemaleEmployeeService}

More information about Angular2 dependency injection here.


As pointed out by Ben

Provide statement needs to be coded as

provide('ISearchService', {useClass: SearchInMaleEmployeeService})

And to inject the class to component:

constructor(@Inject('ISearchService') private searchService:ISearchService) {}

Yes, you can do it like Sefa Ümit Oray answered above. But as I understand, you are trying to filter two type of object in list and you want to use both. So why you don't write a service that has two difference search methods. Or you can write a method that do search in both types of object.

As you ask, you can use instance of to check the type of object. Then, use Pipe combine with ngIf to do render what you want.