Angular 2 Form "Cannot find control with path"

Note that if your FormArray contains other FormGroup controls (which contain other instances of FormControl), you'll need to do this to access the controls inside each FormGroup:

        <div *ngFor="let item of myFormArray.controls; let i=index">
            <div formGroupName="{{i}}">
                <input formControlName="myFormGroupSubControl1" />
                <input formControlName="myFormGroupSubControl2" />

There should be a formControlName in your HTML form mapped to your component file.

<div *ngFor="let list_item of [0,1,2]; let i=index" class="panel panel-default">
  {{i + 1}}.) <input type="text" formControlName="{{i}}" placeholder="List Item" class="form-control">
list_items: this.fb.array([
    [''], //0 points to this
    [''], //1 points to this
    [''] //2 points to this