Android YouTubePlayer with unauthorized overlay on top of player

I had the same error. Although I did the XML changes, I continued to receive the error:

 YouTube video playback stopped due to unauthorized overlay on top of player. The YouTubePlayerView is obscured by android.view.View{59fa6ce V.ED..... ........ 0,0-1440,84 #102002f android:id/statusBarBackground}. The view is inside the YouTubePlayerView, with the distance in px between each edge of the obscuring view and the YouTubePlayerView being: left: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 2308..

After I set the FULLSCREEN, it worked perfect


Hope it will help others.

I faced the same problem today, and for me the error in the logs was:

W/YouTubeAndroidPlayerAPI﹕ YouTube video playback stopped due to unauthorized overlay on top of player. The YouTubePlayerView is not contained inside its ancestor{42686bc8 V.E..... ........ 0,0-1200,675 #7f0a00a0 app:id/video_player}. The distances between the ancestor's edges and that of the YouTubePlayerView is: left: -10, top: -10, right: -10, bottom: -10 (these should all be positive).

I fixed this by removing the padding in the YouTubePlayerView in the layout. So my layout looks like this:

    android:background="#000" />