Android ViewModel recreated on screen rotation

AFAIK, ViewModel's only purpose is to survive and keep the data (i.e. "save the state") while its owner goes through different lifecycle events. So you don't have to "save the state" yourself.

We can tell from this that it's "not normal behavior". onCleared() is only called after the activity is finished (and is not getting recreated again).

Are you creating the ViewModel using the ViewModelProvider, or are you creating the instance using the constructor?

In your activity, you should have something like:

// in onCreate() - for example - of your activity
model = ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(MyViewModel.class);
// then use it anywhere in the activity like so
model.someAsyncMethod().observe(this, arg -> {
    // do sth...

By doing this, you should get the expected effect.

Yes @tomwyr, this was a bug from an android framework. Bug details

The fix is available in 28.0.0-alpha3 and AndroidX 1.0.0-alpha3

But if you don't want to update to above versions now itself, Then you can solve like this (I know this is a bad solution but I didn't see any other good way)

In your activity override onDestroy method and save all the required fields to local variables before calling super.onDestroy. Now call super.onDestroy then Initialize your ViewModel again and assign the required fields back to your new instance of ViewModel

about isFinishing

Below code is in Kotlin:

override fun onDestroy() {
     val oldViewModel = obtainViewModel()

     if (!isFinishing) { //isFinishing will be false in case of orientation change

          val requiredFieldValue = oldViewModel.getRequiredFieldValue()


         val newViewModel = obtainViewModel()

         if (newViewModel != oldViewModel) { //View Model has been destroyed
      } else {

private fun obtainViewModel(): SampleViewModel {
      return ViewModelProviders.of(this).get(