android.view.ContextThemeWrapper cannot be cast to

This line is probably the culprit:

Activity activity = (Activity) v.getContext();

The view v passed to the onClick() method is the same view that you assigned the listener to, so v is the same as holder.parentLayot. I don't know exactly where holder.parentLayot came from, but chances are very good that (in XML) this view (or one of its parents) has an android:theme attribute.

When a view has the android:theme attribute, it doesn't use its activity's context directly. Instead, the android framework will "wrap" the activity's context in a ContextThemeWrapper in order to modify the view's theme.

To access the activity from this wrapper, you'll have to "unwrap" it. Try something like this:

private static Activity unwrap(Context context) {
    while (!(context instanceof Activity) && context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
        context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext();

    return (Activity) context;

Then, you can use this method in your onClick() instead of casting the context directly:

Activity activity = unwrap(v.getContext());

Recursive solution in Kotlin:

fun Context.getActivity(): Activity? {
    return when (this) {
        is Activity -> this
        is ContextWrapper -> this.baseContext.getActivity()
        else -> null

Checked with case of using View.getContext().