Android Support Library 23.2 vector drawables are blurry

the vector is rasterized at 16dp and resized to 128dp

up to 23.1, Android was creating raster images starting from the provided VectorDrawable. This thing changed in v23.2 of the support library. This behavior happens if you set up correctly your build.gradle .

If you are using the Gradle Plugin 2.0+, add

android {  
   defaultConfig {  
     vectorDrawables.useSupportLibrary = true  

if you are using 1.5.0

 android {  
   defaultConfig {  
     generatedDensities = []  

  // This is handled for you by the 2.0+ Gradle Plugin  
  aaptOptions {  
    additionalParameters "--no-version-vectors"  

after you sync, clean your workspace and build again. You can read more about it here and here

increase android: width, height in your XML.

<vector xmlns:android=""

After I increased the sizes here the generated png size also increased and the images didn't look blurry anymore.