Android Studio Instrumentation testing build variant

You can do testing on a different build variant; but only on one. The default is debug.

See this:

Currently only one Build Type is tested. By default it is the debug Build Type, but this can be reconfigured with:

android {
    testBuildType "staging"

Alternatively, you can configure your testBuildType as following way so that you can decide to run any build type of the androidTest specifying the respective property from command line.

android {   

    if (project.hasProperty('androidTestRelease')) {
        testBuildType 'release'
    } else if (project.hasProperty('androidTestStaging')) {
        testBuildType 'staging'
    } else {
        testBuildType 'debug'

From command line

./gradlew connectedCheck -PandroidTestStaging