Android Studio fragment - onButtonPressed method

Fragments get attached to activity, the onFragmentInteraction is a call back method that your activity use to interact with the fragment

For example, the following activity implements the interface from your fragment

public static class YourActivity extends Activity
        implements YourFragment.onFragmentInteraction{

    public void onFragmentInteraction(Uri uri) {
        // Do something with uri

But as the TODO suggest

// TODO: Rename method, update argument and hook method into UI event

Feel free to adapt it to your need or delete it if not needed. example:

mYourButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
    public void onClick(View arg0) {
        if (mListener != null) {

I found the other answers to be a touch vague as a noob myself. Meda points out that the fragment is attached to the activity, the docs state it is more of an extention to it. Personally I feel it's more proper to state that the FRAGMENT instance encapsulates an ACTIVITY instance.

Let's consider the code for each component; that is the INTERFACE, ACTIVITY, FRAGMENT and finally the LAYOUT.

Note : I'm using Kotlin so there is a chance some of this is getting rewired in the background when it is transpiled into Java, though this seems unlikely.


Names the CALLBACK specifying it's signature.

 interface ConcessionSelection {
         fun selectConcession(view : View)

Note : I've moved the interface into it's own class, so the activity is declared as class ACTIVITY : AppCompatActivity(), INTERFACE instead of class ACTIVITY : AppCompatActivity(), FRAGMENT.INTERFACE


Provides the logic for the CALLBACK.

 class ACTIVITY : AppCompatActivity(), INTERFACE {
     override fun CALLBACK  (view: View) {
         Log.i("ACTIVITY:CALLBACK","Activity Callback")


Makes provision for a listener and attaches or detaches such instances during the execution of the application.

class FRAGMENT : Fragment() {  

    private var listener: ACTIVITY? = null
    override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
        if (context is ACTIVITY) {
            listener = context
        } else {
            throw RuntimeException(context.toString() + " must implement OnFragmentInteractionListener")
    override fun onDetach() {
        listener = null


Specifies the CALLBACK

        android:onClick="CALLBACK"/> # Usually highlighted in red by IDE since this is resolved at runtime.

note : This is the layout file for the fragment not the activity, I don't show the activities file as it's not relevant.

If you've looked at the code carefully you will notice there isn't a CALLBACK set upon the FRAGMENT, rather it is set upon the ACTIVITY instead. The FRAGMENT delegates the call from the onClickListener to it's listener, which happens to be the ACTIVITY, during operation. This confuses the Android IDE somewhat as it is not smart enough to realize that the CALLBACK belongs to the listener, that is the ACTIVITY implementing the INTERFACE, and it highlights the relevant XML accordingly. In fact setting a CALLBACK upon the fragment gets ignored unless one takes additional steps to trap the relevant signals e.g. I believe ListFragment does this to redirect to onItemSelected.

The example onButtonPressed provided by the template appears to simply be just that and does not provide a very useful implementation. Perhaps there is a tutorial on the android site that explains how to trap events and redirect to this method.