Android ReactNative java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:could find DSO to load:

This has fixed my issue :

   ndk {
        abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86'

This should be placed build.gradle defaultConfig section.

actually in my case these steps worked:

  1. uninstall the app from the device
  2. close Metro Bundler
  3. run ./gradlew clean on android directory
  4. run react-native run-android

hope to help you.

This is caused by the following issue (open for 2 years)

From the issue:

React Native on Android doesn't provide a 64-bit version of the native library, which can cause compatibility issues on 64-bit devices. I ran into this while attempting to integrate React Native with a large existing application I'm developing.

Reaction from Facebook:

"Thanks for reporting! Yes we don't provide 64-bit version of the native code and the system should always fall back to 32-bit."


"Most Android projects use a number of 3rd-party libraries, and any that include native 64-bit code will cause React Native to fail."

The following SO answer Use 32-bit jni libraries on 64-bit android explains fallback to 32-bit libraries and the fact you cannot mix. So if 64-bit is found, all should be 64-bit

I suggest reading along the Github issue #2814. There are multiple fixes proposed, but it depends on your situation what works.

The issuer has also written a blog about it: Mixing 32- and 64-bit Dependencies in Android

Hope this helps!