Android expand/collapse RelativeLayout

This is my version of the method, you don´t have to set any height, it will expand or collapse any view depending on its visibility.

public static void expand(final View v, int duration) {
    final boolean expand = v.getVisibility()!=View.VISIBLE;

    int prevHeight  = v.getHeight();
    int height = 0;
    if (expand) {
        int measureSpecParams = View.MeasureSpec.getSize(View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED);
        v.measure(measureSpecParams, measureSpecParams);
        height = v.getMeasuredHeight();

    ValueAnimator valueAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(prevHeight, height);
    valueAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() {
        public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
            v.getLayoutParams().height = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();

    valueAnimator.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
            if (expand){

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
            if (!expand){

        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {


        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {

    valueAnimator.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());

Just call the method like this:


It is because

            if (isVisible) {
                mAnimationManager.collapse(mRelativeToSlide, 1000, 200);
                isVisible = false;
            } else if (!isVisible){
                mAnimationManager.expand(mRelativeToSlide, 1000, 200);
                isVisible = true;

collapse() and expand() do the same thing, they are both expand Animations in this case. You need to pass a different value to your collapse() method; The simple solution is

    mAnimationManager.collapse(mRelativeToSlide, 1000, -200);

But there are some more issues with your coding style, for example you could just get rid of your collapse() method because calling expand two times like this would also work :

            if (isVisible) {
                mAnimationManager.expand(mRelativeToSlide, 1000, -200);
                isVisible = false;
            } else if (!isVisible){
                mAnimationManager.expand(mRelativeToSlide, 1000, 200);
                isVisible = true;

I suggest you post it on Code Review.