Android emulator - error while loading state for instance 0x0 of device 'goldfish_pipe'

This issue has been fixed in HAXM 7.4.1, So just make sure you are using latest HAXM. Check latest version here

Old Answer

Temporary solution to this problem is to decrease number of cpu.ncore from 4 to either 1 or 2. Go to avd and find your virtual device and inside edit config.ini then change ncore=4 to ncore=2

Path to config.ini for my virtual device is C:\Users\Nux\.android\avd\Pixel_2_API_28.avd\config.ini

You can also go to this path from AVD manager. Click drop down of device of your choice and click show on disk

It worked for me. source

Caution: Emulator may be slow. Hope this problem is fixed in next update.

I'm getting the same thing, but I'm unable to consistently produce the error.

When I get the error I perform the following steps:

  1. Close the emulator if it somehow opened with that error message (that's happened to me)

  2. Open AVD

  3. Wipe the drive

  4. Start the emulator from AVD

  5. Once the emulator is up, I hit run and select the running emulator.

THIS is not a fix for whatever the hell is going on with our 'goldfish_pipe', but it is something that I've been able to do to work around it. It's the equivalent of - spinning 3 times, gargling water and saying a prayer backwards. >.<

That being the case, I'm following this thread for any solutions. If I discover anything new I'll post it, but if anyone can reproduce this error please let me know how.