Android customized button; changing text color

Another way to do it is in your class:

import; // add to top of class  

Button btn = (Button)findViewById(;

// set button text colour to be blue

// set button text colour to be red

// set button text color to be a color from your resources (could be strings.xml)

// set button background colour to be green

ok very simple first go to 1. res-valuse and open colors.xml 2.copy 1 of the defined text their for example #FF4081 and change name for instance i changed to white and change its value for instance i changed to #FFFFFF for white value like this

<color name="White">#FFFFFF</color>

then inside your button add this line

 b3.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(getApplicationContext(), R.color.White));

ok b3 is the name of my button so changed of the name of ur button all others will be same if u use white color if you change different color then change white to the name of your color but first you have define that color in colors.xml like i explained in pont 2

Create a stateful color for your button, just like you did for background, for example:

<selector xmlns:android="">

    <!-- Focused and not pressed -->
    <item android:state_focused="true" 
          android:color="#ffffff" />

    <!-- Focused and pressed -->
    <item android:state_focused="true" 
          android:color="#000000" />

    <!-- Unfocused and pressed -->
    <item android:state_focused="false" 
          android:color="#000000" />

    <!-- Default color -->
    <item android:color="#ffffff" />


Place the xml in a file at res/drawable folder i.e. res/drawable/button_text_color.xml. Then just set the drawable as text color:


Changing text color of button

Because this method is now deprecated


I use the following:

button.setTextColor(ContextCompat.getColor(mContext, R.color.your_color));