Android custom RatingBar image artifacts

I had this issue to, looked like the bottom edge of custom star image being stretched. You don't have to set the layout_height of rating bar tag. You can set the min/max height on the rating bar (to same as image height).

Example from my styles xml.

<style name="GoldRatingBar" parent="@android:style/Widget.RatingBar">
  <item name="android:minHeight">@dimen/rating_bar_height</item>
  <item name="android:maxHeight">@dimen/rating_bar_height</item>


<dimen name="rating_bar_height">11dp</dimen>

The value should match that of the drawable used. 11 pixel high image, so the rating_bar_height was set to 11dp.

Try giving height to RatingBar in xml layout like this:


30dp or whatever suits you..

Check out why is this happening ??