android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class

You declared package name in the manifest as com.Android.myApp and Activity Name .Example.So android will search it from com.Android.myApp.Example. But your activity is residing in "com.Android.myApp/com.Android.myApp.Facebook.Example".So give the activity name as .Facebook.Example or full path as given below In the manifest



you can also use

        android:label="@string/app_name" />

I got a variation to this problem. I was launching an activity called "Settings" and getting the same error and making all the suggested changes to the manifest were not fixing the problem.

Thing is, in the calling activity, I was also using / importing android.provider.Settings, so from what I can see when trying to launch the activity it was getting confused between the two. Thus I changed this in the code rather than the manifest to include the full path:

Intent launchScr = new Intent(this,;

And it worked. Of course, the other, and better, way to solve this particular issue would be to use better names for my activities.

HTH anyone with this variant of the problem.