An inverted pyramid

A simple solution with And, Xor and Mod:

n = 41;
Table[If[Abs[2 j - 1 - n] < i && 
   Xor[Mod[Abs[2 j - 2 - n] - i, 3] == 0, 2 j > n + 1], 1, 0], 
   {i, n}, {j, n}] // ArrayPlot

enter image description here

The same for n = 333:

enter image description here

To be more functional-style:

j = ConstantArray[Range@n, n];
i = Transpose@j;
UnitStep[i - 1 - Abs[2 j - 1 - n]] (1 + 
  (1 - 2 Unitize@Mod[Abs[2 j - 2 - n] - i, 3]) Sign[n + 2 - 2 j]) // ArrayPlot
(* the same result *)

If you were to allow CellularAutomaton I think the simplest change is to drop every other row and column:

MatrixPlot[CellularAutomaton[57, {{1}, 0}, 80][[;; ;; 2, ;; ;; 2]],
 ImageSize -> 400, Mesh -> All, PlotTheme -> "Monochrome"]

enter image description here

There is however a discontinuity in the center compared to your original.

I'll start working on other options.

From your earlier question seeking a functional solution I believe you wish to avoid Table, Array, etc., which the other existing answers use. One may be able to "cheat" to your satisfaction with SparseArray, e.g.:

(* ybeltukov's conditional *)
n = 41;
{i_, j_} /; 
    Abs[2 j - 1 - n] < i && Xor[Mod[Abs[2 j - 2 - n] - i, 3] == 0, 2 j > n + 1] ->
 1, {n, n}] // ArrayPlot

enter image description here

If this is not to your liking, and since you wish to avoid CellularAutomaton, perhaps this rather contrived yet hopefully functional approach, also using dropping rows:

k = Riffle[#, {0, 0, 0}] & /@ IdentityMatrix[3]
m = PadRight[{{}}, {41, 41}, Reverse @ k];
m2 = LowerTriangularize[#][[All, ;; ;; 2]] & /@ {m, 1 - m};
Join[Reverse[#2, {2}], #, 2] & @@ m2 // MatrixPlot

enter image description here

The closest I get is this

 Table[Boole@((Divisible[Abs[k - n], 3] || 
       k >= 22) && (Divisible[Abs[-22 + k + n], 3] \[Implies] 
       k < 22) && n > 2 Abs[-22 + k]), {n, 41}, {k, 41}]

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