An analog of String.Join(string, string[]) for IEnumerable<T>

The Linq equivalent of String.Join is Aggregate

For instance:

IEnumerable<string> strings;
string joinedString = strings.Aggregate((total,next) => total + ", " + next);

If given an IE of TableRows, the code will be similar.

I wrote an extension method:

    public static IEnumerable<T> 
        Join<T>(this IEnumerable<T> src, Func<T> separatorFactory)
        var srcArr = src.ToArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < srcArr.Length; i++)
            yield return srcArr[i];
                yield return separatorFactory();

You can use it as follows:

tableRowList.Join(()=>new TableRow())

In .NET 3.5 you can use this extension method:

public static string Join<TItem>(this IEnumerable<TItem> enumerable, string separator)
   return string.Join(separator, enumerable.Select(x => x.ToString()).ToArray());

or in .NET 4

public static string Join<TItem>(this IEnumerable<TItem> enumerable, string separator)
   return string.Join(separator, enumerable);

BUT the question wanted a separator after each element including the last for which this (3.5 version) would work:-

public static string AddDelimiterAfter<TItem>(this IEnumerable<TItem> enumerable, string delimiter)
   return string.Join("", enumerable.Select(x => x.ToString() + separator).ToArray());

You could also use .Aggregate to do this without an extension method.