Alternatives to using email (in particular, Outlook) as a knowledge store?

I use Google Mail for this. The global search combined with the ability to tag things is very powerful for things you know you read but cannot remember where.

I've tried to use SharePoint discussions connected to Outlook w/o a lot of success. Maybe the 2010 versions of Outlook/SharePoint will make this better...

You might also find When In Doubt, Make It Public interesting reading.

As someone who has been using email since the 1970s, I've tried just about all the usual routes. However, I've settled quasi-permanently into this scenario:

  • I use mail filters to scan all my old mail files and pull out mails of interest into basic categories - as COPIES, not moves!
  • I save raw in-box postings as-was, but move them, with the date they end as a part of their file name, into a subdirectory specifically for these inboxes.
  • I use grep to find what I want - from the file system. It gives enough granularity through file system mechanisms.
  • I then step back to a mail reader to read the items found via grep.

Note that grep can give you a window before and after matching lines. A little clever scripting gives you a pretty robust search capacity and you can manage it all on your own disk space...

Finally, no way in the world I would use Outlook - it's just troublesome malware if you ask me. I want access to my raw data, thank you!