Alternatives to matching floating point ranges

I would personally do this:

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Color {

trait InRange {
    fn in_range(self, begin: Self, end: Self) -> bool;

impl InRange for f32 {
    fn in_range(self, begin: f32, end: f32) -> bool {
        self >= begin && self < end

impl From<f32> for Color {
    fn from(f: f32) -> Color {
        match f {
            x if x.in_range(0.0, 0.1) => Color::Red,
            x if x.in_range(0.1, 0.4) => Color::Yellow,
            x if x.in_range(0.4, 0.8) => Color::Blue,
            _ => Color::Grey,

fn main() {
    assert_eq!(Color::from(0.2), Color::Yellow);

Since Rust 1.35, the InRange functionality implemented by Boiethios is already provided in the contains method on Range<f32>:

impl From<f32> for Color {
    fn from(f: f32) -> Color {
        match f {
            x if (0.0..0.1).contains(&x) => Color::Red,
            x if (0.1..0.4).contains(&x) => Color::Yellow,
            x if (0.4..0.8).contains(&x) => Color::Blue,
            _ => Color::Grey,

However, I would tend to write this with only one comparison against each number, which reduces the chance of typos introducing bugs:

impl From<f32> for Color {
    fn from(f: f32) -> Color {
        match f {
            x if x < 0.0 => Color::Grey;
            x if x < 0.1 => Color::Red,
            x if x < 0.4 => Color::Yellow,
            x if x < 0.8 => Color::Blue,
            _ => Color::Grey,

This style also makes it more obvious that there are two disjoint ranges that return Color::Grey: x < 0.0 and x >= 0.8.

See also

  • How can I test if a value lies within a Range?

