Alternative to "master" and "slave" in entity relationship?

there appear to be 3 competing industry alternatives to master/slave. they are:

  • Master/Follower
  • Parent/Child
  • Primary/Secondary

I think primary/secondary is weird because we could have multiple secondary. I feel like after secondary would be tertiary, quaternary, etc. Too much of a pain.

Master/Follower still has vague slavery/feudalism connotations.

That leaves us just with Parent/Child... but I don't really like that because Child sounds incapable, but there are some cases where we'll depend on the Child, not the Parent....

SO, I'm going to suggest yet another combo here:

  • Primary/Alternate

That naming should avoid any slavery, gender, and plurality issues.

the industry standard nowadays seems to be {master-follower}

see the following references:











this also makes more sense - no need to employ a morally reprehensible term for a hierachical computer/technological controls arrangement... for example, we would designate connectors as "male" and "female", not "male" and "whore".... both cases "make the point" in a somewhat descriptive sense, however it is best to make the point using non morally reprehensible or inflammatory terms

excellent question, btw!

How about student_id and friend_id? There's no rule that says your foreign keys need to have the same column names as the primary key.

Parent and Child or Owner and Child is the generally accepted solutions.