Alternative for "tail -f" that follows filename

Some implementations of tail have an option for this; here's the description from the man page for GNU tail:

same as --follow=name --retry

-f, --follow[={name|descriptor}]
output appended data as the file grows; -f, --follow, and --follow=descriptor are equivalent

keep trying to open a file even when it is or becomes inaccessible; useful when following by name, i.e., with --follow=name

As this option isn't specified by POSIX, you can't depend on it everywhere. Some known implementations:

  • GNU - has -F as described above
  • Mac OS X, FreeBSD and NetBSD - have a similar -F option with the same effect
  • OpenBSD - -f is enough (if the file is replaced (i.e., the inode number changes), tail will reopen the file and continue)
  • Solaris - no equivalent
  • Busybox - -F is available in recent versions, but must be compiled with ENABLE_FEATURE_FANCY_TAIL (it's not compiled-in by default)

Alternative is tail -F command.

The -F option implies --follow=name with --retry option, so tail is watching your file even if it has been deleted and created again.

Since you have asked for alternative:

The less utility could be an alternative for tail -F.

It will have to be run as follows: less --follow-name filename.log and press Shift + F.

This will give you same results as tail -F.