Alternate approach to inheritance for Swift structs?

In Swift with struct you can create protocol for common task and also implement default implementation using protocol extension.

protocol Vehicle {
    var model: String { get set }
    var color: String { get set }

//Common Implementation using protocol extension
extension Vehicle {

    static func parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: [String:Any]) -> (String, String) {
        let model = jsonDict["model"] as! String
        let color = jsonDict["color"] as! String
        return (model, color)

struct Car : Vehicle {
    var model:String
    var color:String
    let horsepower: Double
    let license_plate: String
    init(jsonDict: [String:Any]) {
        (model, color) = Car.parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: jsonDict)
        horsepower = jsonDict["horsepower"] as! Double
        license_plate = jsonDict["license_plate"] as! String

struct Bicycle : Vehicle {
    var model:String
    var color:String
    let chainrings: Int
    let sprockets: Int
    init(jsonDict: [String:Any]) {
        (model, color) = Bicycle.parseVehicleFields(jsonDict: jsonDict)
        chainrings = jsonDict["chainrings"] as! Int
        sprockets = jsonDict["sprockets"] as! Int

There is a detailed answer at following Gist, with all possible approaches. I do not like any of them as I am fan of Classes. But structs are future of Swift, you have to understand, adopt and like :( it .
