Allowing line break at ',' in inline math mode?

If the expression contains many commas then consider to break it into several math expressions, separated by commas. It reads like a list of math expressions. This way TeX can break the line.

To achieve line breaks after a comma, you could insert \allowbreak after the comma and before the next math symbol. If necessary, leave a blank after \allowbreak.

If you would like to have a document wide solution, you could redefine the comma. One solution, following the tip here would be:


You could take a look at the breqn package, which is aimed at solving this problem in a general sense.

Here is a solution that doesn't make the comma globally active:


  \begingroup\lccode`~=`, \lowercase{\endgroup
    \edef~{\mathchar\the\mathcode`, \penalty0 \noexpand\hspace{0pt plus 1em}}%
  }\mathcode`,="8000 #1%


\setlength{\lineskiplimit}{2pt}\setlength{\lineskip}{3pt} % for this particular case



The setting of \lineskiplimit and \lineskip are for the particular case where fractions are needed in the argument.

enter image description here

A variant that allows nesting:


    \begingroup\lccode`~=`, \lowercase{\endgroup
      \edef~{\mathchar\the\mathcode`, \penalty0 \noexpand\hspace{0pt plus 1em}}%



\setlength{\lineskiplimit}{2pt}\setlength{\lineskip}{3pt} % for this particular case




enter image description here