Allow only one concurrent login per user in ASP.NET

You can create a cache entry per user and store their session ID in it. Session ID will be unique per browser session. In your login page, you can create that cache entry when they successfully login:

if(Cache.ContainsKey["Login_" + username])
    // Handle "Another session exists" case here
    Cache.Add("Login_" + username, this.Session.SessionID);

(Code typed in textbox without syntax check. Assume "pseudo-code".)

In global.asax you can then hook into the Session_End and expire that cache entry of the user. See this for the global.asax events.

if(Cache.ContainsKey["Login_" + username])
    Cache.Remove("Login_" + username);

Please refer to:

When the same user ID is trying to log in on multiple devices, how do I kill the session on the other device?

Out of the box, .NET does not support this. .NET allows for concurrent log-ins, as I'm sure you're aware.

I had this same exact requirement, and came up with a pretty slick solution, demonstrated in the link above. In a nutshell, my requirement was to only have one user log-in happening at one time. If that same user ID tried to log in elsewhere, then it killed the session for the first log-in by checking for an existing log-in under a different Session ID (this enabled the user ID to be logged in from multiple instances of their web browser on their computer [same Session ID], which is common, but not from a different computer [different Session ID] (possibly due to someone that stole their credentials, for example)). Through modification of the code you could probably change the behavior of this - i.e., prevent the second log-in attempt instead of killing the first log-in that's already active and in use.

Of course, it may not fit 100% to what you're needing, so feel free to modify it to fit your needs.