All letters upright in math mode (equivalent to \rm)

If you like the effect of \rm but don't like that it is deprecated, then taking a look its implementation gives a good clue of what you can do. In source2e you will find (see p.254 of source2e 2017-04-15, where \DeclareOldFontCommand is defined)


which means it is just \mathrm in math mode. Thus you could write \mathrm around your equation contents instead.

Sample output



    \mathrm{A_{something} + B_{another} = C_{whatever}}


If what you are after is an easy way of writing \text in subscripts, here's a way. You write A_[something] if you want \text{..} to be applied to the subscript.




\AtBeginDocument{\catcode`\_=12 \mathcode`\_="8000 \catcode`\^=12 \mathcode`\^="8000 }


  A_[something] + B_[another] = C_[whatever]


enter image description here

Also if one prefers A_|something| + B^|something| rather than A_[something] + B^[something] just change the definitions of \sptext|#1| and \sbtext|#1| and subsitute \@ifnextchar|.

It's not clear why you would do this; however, here it is.



    \advance\count255 1
    \advance\count255 1

Here the letters are normal
But here they're upright $A_{something} + B_{another} = Z_{whatever}$
A_{something} + B_{another} = Z_{whateverz}
and back to normal

enter image description here