Aligning paragraph inside a tabular

Due to technical reasons (or let's say bidirectional typesetting bugs of XeTeX), you need to put list-like environment inside \parbox or minipage environment. Therefore the solution is:


  \textbf{item 1:} These are some texts to just fill in the first line.
   this is the second Item which still needs to be indented
    \item item 1
\item item 2
 \\ \hline 




  \textbf{item 1:} These are some texts to just fill in the first line.
   this is the second Item which still needs to be indented
    \item item 1
\item item 2
 \\ \hline 


Are you after something like this?:

  Item 1:& These are some texts 
  just to fill in the first line. 
  And some more texts 
  just to fill in the second line.\\
  Item 2:& These are some texts 
  just to fill in the first line. 
  And some more texts 
  just to fill in the second line.
 \\ \hline 

Updated, in the light of more detail in the question:

  Item 1:& These are some texts 
  just to fill in the first line. 
  And some more texts 
  just to fill in the second line.\\
  & This is the second Item which still needs to be indented
\item item 1
\item item 2
\\ \hline 

Note that: (a) I've made the major item stub a separate column in the table (Sorry, I don't know whow tabularx works with RTL text); and (b) rather than \tabularnewline, I've added a table row for the second bit. Although this may not match what you're doing syntactically, I think it might make things a bit more maintainable.

This is how I guess RTL might work:

 These are some texts & Item 1: 
  just to fill in the first line. 
  And some more texts 
  just to fill in the second line.\\
  This is the second Item which still needs to be indented
\item item 1
\item item 2
\\ \hline 


