Aligning nested cases vertically

You can use \smash[t].

\[\text{Productive forces}\begin{cases}
\text{Means of production}
\text{Instruments of production}\\
\text{Raw materials} \\
\end{cases}} \\
\text{Labour power} 

Result of above code

You should consider that there might be possible surrounding text. The following puts the structure in a 4-row tabular:

enter image description here




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque metus magna, 
placerat laoreet feugiat a, fermentum id elit. Pellentesque sodales mauris eget 
condimentum ullamcorper. Phasellus sit amet tempus nunc.
  % Vertical structure containing 4 rows of items
    \strut \\ \strut \\ \strut \\ \strut
    \strut \\ \strut \\ % Two empty rows
    \strut \smash{Productive forces
      \begin{tabular}{@{} l}
        \strut \smash{Means of production
        $\left\{\begin{tabular}{@{} l}
          Instruments of production \\
          Raw materials             \\
        \end{tabular}\right.$} \\ \\
        Labour power
      \right.$} \\
    \strut % One empty row
Sed consequat, mi sed vestibulum molestie, risus orci pulvinar libero, vitae 
consequat sapien nulla vel ipsum. Nulla porta tellus arcu, ac facilisis sapien 
rhoncus et.


You can \smash the second cases to hide its height and add a small length accordingly, say 2\normalbaselineskip.

\[\text{Productive forces}\begin{cases}
\text{Means of production}
\text{Instruments of production}\\
\text{Raw materials} \\
\end{cases}} \\[2\normalbaselineskip]
\text{Labour power} 

enter image description here