Aligning columns, but allowing for text inbetween

You can insert

Some verbatim code, but I'm not inspired,

inside a tabular, or any alignment, immediately after \\ (in fact, immediately after TeX's \cr, which is hidden in \\ in LaTeX).

LaTeX's tabular is probably the way to go in this case:

\begin{tabular}{lr}% choose whichever column specification you like
  Fruit & Price \\
  Fruit & Price \\
    Some code
  Fruit & Price \\
  Fruit & Price

What defines the alignment of the fruit? Can you just write something like

  Peach & \$4.00 \\
  Banana & \$6.77

for each block? Otherwise, if you need to match up lengths through the document based on, say, the largest word in the column then check out the eqparbox package. You could write, e.g.,

  \noindent\eqparbox[b]{fruit}{#1}\qquad\$#2 \par

Some verbatim code, but I'm not inspired,
sorry. &*#^^7


And then compile the document twice.