Align the child views in center of the ViewPager android

For anyone upset that the OP didn't update his question with the solution here is a link that explains, with minimal effort, how to pull this off in XML:

Basically when you declare your viewpager in XML, give it the same left and right padding and set android:clipToPadding="false". (The clipToPadding is missing in his xml sample and necessary to achieve this effect)

For one app I implemented similar the following way, with standard ViewPager:

  • Make pages full-screen with the actual content in an inner layout. For example, make the full-screen layout a RelativeLayout with transparent background and the actual content another RelativeLayout centered in the parent. If I remember right, the reason for this was that with just the inner layout as a page, the ViewPager would not have taken all the screen width on some devices such as Galaxy Nexus.

  • Use ViewPager.setPageMargin() to set up a negative page margin i.e. how much of the next/previous page you want to show. Make sure it only overlaps the transparent region of the parent full-screen layout.

  • Call ViewPager.setOffscreenPageLimit() to adjust the off-screen page count to at least 2 from the default 1 to ensure smooth paging by really creating the pages off-screen. Otherwise you will see next/previous pages being drawn while already partially showing on screen.