Align comments in algorithm with package algorithm2e

Here's a solution I'm using with algorithm2e. The idea is to use right-aligned comments (\tcp*[r]), and put them in a box of fixed length \commentWidth. The important stuff is wrapped in an "aligned comment" macro \atcp for ease of use.



    \tcp{not aligned comment}
    \If(\tcp*[h]{comment next to if}){constraint}{ 
         c  \atcp{bla}
         $d = \min \{c,e\}$ \atcp{minimum}


This results in:

n ima

I do not know how to align comments after if-style blocks, though.

This flushes them right, padded to the longest comment, so the // line up. It takes a couple of runs to get the measuring. I added some $ to avoid errors that were generated when I tried your MWE.

enter image description here


\def\tcp*[#1]#2{% only support one style for simplicity
\oldtcp*[r]{\leavevmode\hbox to \commentwd{\box0\hfill}}}

\expandafter\ifx\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float\endcsname\endcsname\relax\else
\global\commentwd\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float\endcsname\endcsname
\immediate\write\@auxout{\gdef\expandafter\string\csname commentwd@\romannumeral\csname c@\algocf@float\endcsname\endcsname{%

    c  \tcp*[l]{bla}
    $d = \min \{c,e\}$ \tcp*[l]{minimum}