Alex-style Addition

Pyth, 8


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This uses Pyth's second mode on reduce, that looks for repeated input then exits.


u+G!OTsQ  ##  Implicit: Q=eval(input())
u     sQ  ##  reduce with 2 arguments, which causes a loop until the reduce gets the
          ##  same argument twice
 +G       ##  lambda G,H: G + ...
   !OT    ##  boolean not of random value from 0 to 9 inclusive

If the extra alex-add occurs it will run again, but if not then it exits.

R, 60 47 28 bytes


This is an unnamed function object that accepts two numbers and returns a number. It does not use recursion.

As xnor pointed out in a comment, this problem can be viewed as simply adding two numbers plus a geometric random variable with failure probability 1/10.

Why is that true? Think about it in terms of recursion, as it's described in the post. In each iteration we have a 10% chance of adding 1 and recursing, and a 90% chance of exiting the function without further addition. Each iteration is its own independent Bernoulli trial with outcomes "add 1, recurse" (failure) and "exit" (success). Thus the probability of failure is 1/10 and the probability of success is 9/10.

When dealing with a series of independent Bernoulli trials, the number of trials needed to obtain a single success follows a geometric distribution. In our case, each recursion means adding 1, so when we do finally exit the function, we've essentially counted the number of failures that occurred before the first success. That means that the amount that the result will be off by is a random variate from a geometric distribution.

Here we can take advantage of R's expansive suite of probability distribution built-ins and use rgeom, which returns a random value from a geometric distribution.


f <- function(a, b) {
    a + b + rgeom(n = 1, prob = 0.9)

Minkolang 0.14, 19 11 12 bytes

This is the "function" version; it assumes a and b are already on the stack, pops them off and pushes the modified version of a+b. The closest equivalent to functions in Minkolang is to use F, which pops off b,a and jumps to (a,b) in the codebox. Then when the program counter hits an f, it jumps back to where F was used.


This is the full program version, 15 bytes. (nn takes two numbers from input and N. outputs the result and stops.)


I stole the algorithm from Doorknob's answer; the while loop repeats so long as the generated random number is less than 0.1, adding 1 each time. Try it here (full program version) and run it 100 times here.


(              Open a while loop
 +             Adds the top two items of the stack
  $0           Pushes 0.1
    1$h        Pushes a random number between 0.0 and 1.0, inclusive
       `       Pops b,a and pushes a > b
        d      Duplicate the top of stack
         )     Close the while loop when the top of stack is 0
          x    Dump the extra, leading 0

The cleverest part here is d. The top of stack at that point in time will be either 0 or 1. If it's 0, the while loop exits. Otherwise, it continues. As I duplicate the top of stack, it will be [a+b,1] the second time through the loop, so the + at the beginning adds the 1 (and likewise for subsequent trips).